The wire we use is made in the USA! It is one of the most important components to make the sub high quality and last longer. Double Stacked 100 Oz High Quality Magnet.
Cast Aluminum Basket With Black Sanded Finish Makes This Sub Very Efficient. Fiber Reinforced Ultra Stiff Black Non-Pressed Paper Cone.
Thick Foam Surround Provides Incredible Sound Quality With Minimal Distortion. Red Stitching Cone Reinforcement Ensures Long Life. Two Chrome-Plated Binding Post Terminals - These are the best terminals on the market and they accept any gauge wire.Impedance: Dual 4-Ohm Voice Coils. Vented Hole on T-yoke Enhances Heat Dissipation.
Special Custom Rubber Boot Magnet Covers Make the Woofer Look Nice and Protects the Magnet. Custom Rockville Mounting Gasket Looks Beautiful and Makes it Easy To Mount the Subwoofer Air-Tight. High BL Magnetic Motor Gap. We use the highest grade black glue that handles extremely high temperatures which allows our woofer to handle even more power than they are rated. Cutout Diameter: 9.41 inches. Mounting Depth: 5.29 inches. Frequency Response: 38.6 Hz - 1.5K kHz. 8mm T-Yoke + 8mm Washer. Sealed Enclosure Volume: 0.6 - 1.1 Cubic Feet.Vented/Ported Enclosure Volume: 1.1 - 1.6 Cubic Feet. XMAX:20 MM (One way).
Gap Plate Inside Diameter: 80mm (3.14 inches). Gap Plate Outside Diameter: 156mm (6.14 inches).Gap Plate Thickness: 20mm (0.8 inches). Yoke Outside Diameter: 145mm (5.71 inches).
Yoke Thickness: 8mm (0.31 inches). Yoke Pole Diameter: 60mm (2.4 inches).Electrical voice coil resistance at DC. Frequency independent part of voice coil inductance. Electrical resistance due to eddy current losses.
Electrical capacitance representing moving mass. Electrical inductance representing drive compliance. Resistance due to mechanical losses. Mechanical mass of drive diaphragm assembly including air load and voice coil.
Mechanical mass of voice coil and diaphragm without air load. Mechanical resistance of total-drive losses.Mechanical compliance of drive suspension. Mechanical stiffness of driver suspension. Total Q-factor consider all losses.
Mechanical Q-factor of of drive in free air considering Rms only. Electrical Q-factor of drive in free air considering Re only. Total Q-factor considering Re and Rms only. Equivalent air volume of suspension.Reference efficiency (2 pi-radiation using Re). If your item is defective or you want to return it for any reason within the first 30 days of when it was delivered to you; you have the following options.
We will send you a. To replace the item for a brand new one. All replacements and exchanges are free.
Item Code: (2) W10K6D4 V2.